Saturday, February 27, 2021

Public Science Day 2021: Wishes, messages, cites, SMS, WhatsApp and Facebook status to impart to companions and family

Public Science Day 2021: This day is noticed each year to stamp the revelation of 'Raman Effect' by conspicuous Indian physicist Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman. 

Public Science Day 2021: Wishes, messages, cites, SMS, WhatsApp and Facebook status to impart to companions and family 

New Delhi | Jagran News Desk: National Science Day is commended in India on February 28 consistently to stamp the revelation of the "Raman impact" by conspicuous physicist Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman. CV Raman, known for his work in the field of light dispersing, had found the 'Raman Effect' in 1928. For his work, the incomparable Indian physicist was granted the Nobel Prize in 1930. 

Presently, as the day is around the bend, we have presented to you some popular CV Raman's statements that you can impart to your loved ones. Additionally, we make them stun wishes and messages that you can either ship off your loved ones or can share on your WhatsApp and Facebook status to check this day. 

I firmly accept that key science can't be driven by instructional, modern, administrative or military pressing factors. This was the motivation behind why I chose, beyond what many would consider possible, not to acknowledge cash from the public authority. – C. V. Raman 

The entire structure of current material science is developed on the key speculation of the nuclear or atomic constitution of issue. – C. V. Raman 

Towards the finish of February 1928, I took the choice of utilizing splendid monochromatic light got by the guide of the economically accessible mercury circular segments fixed in quartz tubes. – C. V. Raman 

I feel it is unnatural and indecent to attempt to instruct science to youngsters in an unknown dialect They will know realities, yet they will miss the soul. – C. V. Raman 

It is for the most part accepted that the understudies infer advantage by working under the direction of a teacher. In all actuality, the educator benefits similarly by his relationship with talented understudies working under him. – C. V. Raman 

The embodiment of science is autonomous reasoning, difficult work, and not gear. At the point when I got my Nobel Prize, I had spent scarcely 200 rupees on my gear. – C. V. Raman 

Science and regular daily existence can't and ought not be isolated – Rosalind Franklin 

Nothing in life is to be dreaded, it is just to be perceived. This is the ideal opportunity to see more, with the goal that we may fear less – Marie Curie 

The beneficial thing about science is that it's actual whether you trust in it – Neil deGrasse Tyson 

The saddest part of life right currently is that science assembles information quicker than culture accumulates astuteness ? Isaac Asimov 

Science isn't just a devotee of reason yet additionally one of sentiment and enthusiasm – Stephen Hawking 

Science isn't just viable with otherworldliness; it is a significant wellspring of otherworldliness – Carl Sagan 

Public Science Day 2021 Wishes 

The vast majority say that it is the keenness which makes an extraordinary researcher. They are incorrect: it is the character. Upbeat National Science Day! 

Men love to ponder, and that is the seed of science. Glad National Science Day 2021! 

Everything is hypothetically outlandish, until it is finished. Cheerful National Science Day! 

Science isn't just a follower of reason at the same time, additionally, one of sentiment and energy. Upbeat National Science Day! 

Individuals consider the creator a screwball, yet nobody at any point asks the innovator his opinion about others. Upbeat National Science Day 2021! 

Two things are limitless: the universe and human idiocy; and I don't know about the universe. Cheerful National Science Day! 

Science without religion is faltering, religion without science is visually impaired. Upbeat National Science Day! 

More than acumen, an effective researcher needs a character since that is the thing that characterizes his accomplishments. Warm wishes on National Science Day to everybody. 

For the individuals who love science realize that anything is possible with regards to learning new things in science. Wishing a Happy National Science Day

Public Science Day is tied in with praising the integrity science has brought into our lives. Warm wishes on the event of National Science Day to everybody. 

The event of National Science Day reminds us as far as possible science has contributed towards our life. Wishing an exceptionally Happy National Science Day to all. 

Likewise ReadAmazonia-1, ISRO's first mission of 2021, to be dispatched today | All you.. 

Amazonia-1, ISRO's first mission of 2021, to be dispatched today | All you.. 

Science is that instrument that has enabled us to change this world and subsequently, we should utilize it admirably. Warm wishes on National Science Day to everybody. 

The Science of today is the innovation of tomorrow. Glad National Science Day 2021! 

On the off chance that you attempt and dismantle a feline to perceive how it functions, the primary thing you have on your hands is a non-working feline. Upbeat National Science Day! 

Science never tackles an issue without making ten more. Cheerful National Science Day!

DON'T JUDGE ANYONE, it may lead to.......,

Hello friends once again welcome back to new blog. In this blog I am going to tell you you the story which is related to "DON'T GUDGE may lead to.......," I hope this story is going to teach you one lesson for your life. Ok lets get started.

               One day a business man was came to a village to watch the land for his factory construction. But to reach village he need to cross a lake. He came out of the car and started to search boat driver. He found a small boat and boat driver, he called him and asked him to take village. The boat driver agreed and businessman sat one corner of the small boat, boat driver started to drive boat gradually.

     Till this everything is  right, real story starts from here,,

         Boat is moving gradually, after some time business man asked to boat driver that, " Do you know who is sitting in your small boat ? ". Boat man politly replyed that , " I don't know sir ". "Biusiness man surprised and stated to think that how it's possible I am a big bussinessman with crores togther earning, lot of news papers wrote lot of things related to me. But this guy don't know about me ". After thinking this he asked "Your are not reading news paper ". Boat driver replyed that " No, I am unable to read " after listening this bussiness man laughed and said that without knowing reading and writing your life is waste. Is this a life, waste life. The boat man getting lot of same and guilt feeling on him. 

     This is the first insult for boatman.

    Again after some time bussiness man started to tell him regarding about his bussiness which is related to drinking water bottle and asked do you know what is this drinking water bussiness ?. It has lot of profitable in city. Again he politly replyed  sir don't know this bussiness as well as city. The bussiness man once again insulted that " Don't you even know this also? ". he laughed.

     This is second time insult for boatman.

      During this discussion, village is also coming near. At that moment some amount of water is started to come inside small boat. The business man and boatman started to get fear.
The boatman said to bussiness man that "sir, jump and swim and reach shore. But the bussiness man is fully nervous and said that I don't know how to swim. 

     Now the boat man's time come and he said that you don't know swimming. This is a waste of your life. Sir you may have lot of money but is your money helps you to protect your life now, No impossible. Bussiness man realised about his mistake. And begged to boatman that sorry please help me. I realised my mistake.

     I hope some of you got moral from this story. Still I will again tell you the moral .
    We may have lot of money and lot of knowledge. That's not matter, we need to give respect for others instead of looking their profession. They are good at their work, I think it is not fair to compare and insult another person with us.

Monday, February 22, 2021


The present Doodle—represented by American Indian visitor craftsman of Osage, Kaw, Cheyenne River Sioux, and European legacy, Chris Pappan—commends the 145th birthday celebration of author, performer, educator, writer, and suffragist Zitkala-Ša, an individual from the Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota (Ihanktonwan Dakota Oyate or "Individuals of the End Village"). A lady who lived versatilely during when the Indigenous individuals of the United States were not viewed as genuine individuals by the American government, not to mention residents, Zitkala-Ša dedicated her life to the security and festivity of her Indigenous legacy through human expressions and activism. 

On this day in 1876, Zitkala-Ša (Lakota/Lakȟótiyapi for "Red Bird")— otherwise called Gertrude Simmons—was brought into the world on the Yankton Indian Reservation in South Dakota. At eight years of age, she left the booking to go to White's Indiana Manual Labor Institute, an evangelist all inclusive school where her hair was trimmed without wanting to, she was illegal to talk her Lakota/Lakȟótiyapi language, and she had to rehearse a religion she didn't put stock in. This was a typical encounter for a large number of Indigenous kids in the wake of the Civilization Fund Act of 1819, which gave subsidizing to evangelists and strict gatherings to make an arrangement of Indian all inclusive schools that would persuasively acclimatize Indigenous kids. While she checked out a portion of the encounters in her new climate, like learning the violin, she opposed the institutional endeavors to absorb her into European American culture—activities she fought through a long period of composing and political activism. 

Returning back home to her booking, Zitkala-Ša chronicled a treasury of oral Dakota stories distributed as "Old Indian Legends" in 1901. The book was among the primary attempts to carry customary Indigenous American stories to a more extensive crowd. Zitkala-Ša was likewise a skilled performer. In 1913, she composed the content and melodies for the main Indigenous American show, The Sun Dance, in light of perhaps the most consecrated Sioux services. 

Notwithstanding her inventive accomplishments, Zitkala-Ša was a deep rooted representative for Indigenous and ladies' privileges. As a dissident, she helped to establish and filled in as first leader of the National Council of American Indians in 1926. Zitkala-Ša's work was instrumental in the section of noteworthy enactment, for example, the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924—conceding citizenship to Indigenous people groups brought into the world in the United States—just as the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. 

Cheerful Birthday, Zitkala-Ša, and thank you for your endeavors to secure and observe Indigenous culture for a long time into the future.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Successful People In the world

Being effective is the craving of us all dwelling over this exquisite planet. It doesn't make any difference whether the concerned individual is a kid, youth or the old matured, at every single phase of our wide life expectancy, it is our inbuilt craving to be effective and continue forward reliably towards more monstrous achievement. 

The mindset of rivaling each other can regularly be seen at any of the spots including schools, universities, training, work fields including associations, workplaces, and so forth to give some examples. As a correlation with our endeavors towards the attempts to get achievement, we frequently expect considerably more and need accomplishment to thump our entryways very soon.

On the off chance that on the off chance that, it doesn't occur, we use to get baffled lastly get further inside the obscurity of inadequacy. Such a circumstance has been seen among the greater part of individuals where standard and devoted endeavors have been disregarded and simply the disappointments have been engaged. 

There stand a few such models everywhere on the world. The greater part of the famous characters have recently confronted genuine disappointments in their day to day existence's battles. However, they proceeded on their approaches to progress lastly made enormous progress in their fields of aptitude. No standing, belief, religion or shadings halted them ever in their manners towards progress. 

The rundown of 10 best effective disappointments is referenced with the assistance of the accompanying list items:

1.   Steve Jobs:

Steve Jobs has been known as an iconic figure for the establishment of Apple like the biggest company. However, it is extremely shocking to know that the $2 billion company with over 4000 employees has been started with only two persons in a garage. It is also to be noticed that this great establisher has been dismissed and fired from the company from which he has started his career. Further, realizing his potential and capabilities, Steve Jobs proceeded further towards establishing this biggest company which is famously known as ‘Apple’.

2.   Bill Gates

: It was very much important for Bill gates to heed the lessons of failure in comparison to celebrating the joy of success. This great entrepreneur who has established Microsoft like the biggest software company is a dropout student from Harvard. Furthermore, he has also been known for his self-owned business figure known as    Traf-O-Data which was one of the biggest failures in history. The entire investment of Bill Gates got vanished and unfortunately, even the education could also not get completed. But, the keen desire and the passion for the computer programming based stuff led him to establish such biggest software company with the brand name ‘Microsoft’.

3.   Albert Einstein

: Albert Einstein is a well-known scientist and extraordinary genius personality known by almost all of us all over the world due to his great inventions and contributions towards science. He quoted that success is a failure in progress and someone who has never failed cannot truly be a successful person. During childhood, he suffered from continuous failures. He was not even able to speak fluently till the age of nine years following which he has been expelled from the school. Furthermore, his admission to Zurich Polytechnic School was also not considered. But, leading to the ways of success consistently, he proved himself as a renowned gem in the ocean of science and technology and finally won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

4.   Abraham Lincoln: 

This great personality who has also been the ex-president of the USA has suffered regularly from massive failures year after the year. Lincoln failed in his business in the year 1831 and after which in the year 1836, he got a major nervous breakdown. Struggling consistently for years, he again failed in 1856 during US presidential elections. Fighting and struggling consistently, he elected as the sixteenth President of the USA in 1861 and went on leading towards his way of life.

5.   J.K.Rowling

J.K.Rowling has been known as the famous author of the most selling book ‘Harry Potter’ who has clearly stated about her failures during a speech ceremony commenced at Harvard. She stated about her unsuccessful marriage life with an entire life in front of live lonely with a jobless situation. Such a difficult situation without a life partner and a job to survive forced her to start a new life as a dynamic author. Her creativity finally led her to the zenith of success.

6.   Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is one of the most renowned basketball players in sports world history. He was a short-height boy early in childhood due to which he often uses to get rejected during the selection processes. After being grown up and started playing like a basketball player, he even failed to hit over nine thousand shots and ultimately lost over three hundred games for twenty-six times. He got frustrated a lot but his dedication and consistency paved his way towards success.

7.   Walt Disney:

 Walt Disney has been known as one of the famous cartoonist and creator of famous cartoon creatures such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, etc to name a few. He even failed several times in his life. His unsuccessful attempt to join armed forces finally forced him to drop out of the schools and leave his further studies. His initiative Laugh-O-Gram Studios even went bankrupt and finally, after joining a newspaper agency named Missouri Newspaper, he was fired because of not being creative enough as per the expectations.

8.   Vincent Van Gogh

This famous personality has been known as one of the greatest painter and artist along with a world-renowned icon in world history. However, due to continuous failures and misfortunes such as mental illness and improper bonding in the relationships forced him to commit suicide at an early age of merely 37 years. During the entire life span, this person sold only a single painting which revolutionized him in the world of arts and paintings which is alive to date.

9.   Stephen King:

 This name is famous as the most renowned writer all over the world. However, he met several misfortunes and failures during his life span. His childhood was spent under the dark capture of poverty with added misfortunes of getting in under the cover of drugs and alcohol as well. But, finally, he kept on concentrating on his writing based hobby and professionalized it by developing several new writing styles along with new copyrighting mechanisms as well.

10.   Steven Spielberg

This great filmmaker who has won countless records and prizes for his contribution towards best film making has also suffered from several failures in his life. He was not able to get higher examination grades in the schools during the childhood following which he has been suspended three times from the University of Southern California. Following his passion and dedication, he went on creating great movies and finally won three Oscar awards and made a sum total of fifty-one great movies.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


In this blog I am going to explain one simple example related to how time is valuable and how it play a role in life. I hope you are also curious to know this .
We all know that time is very much valuable than everything, for this statement I am going to tell you a story,,,,

       Once a student came to meet his  degree  professor and asked "sir I recently completed my 12th and joined batchelor degree,  but I don't know how my 1st year completed. I am surprising that days are simply passing. Being a 20 years old boy I unable to master my own time and what is exacty time sir?" for this quation professor replayed that,

       Yes, what is happening in your life, this thing also happened in my life also. I mean time is not wait for anyone it will simply moves but we need to trap the time. Trap the time mean we need to do valuable things in our life and that will lead to the convertion of time into  valuable time. If you really want to know the meaning of  time I am not a suitable person, ,,,,

After this student asked , Sir who can able to answer ?
Profesor replied that,
If you want to know the value of one year, go and ask a student who failed. He will explain value of one year better than me.

If you want to know the value of one month, go one ask the mother who gave birth to his baby. She will explain the value of one month.

If you want to know the value of one week, then go and ask the weekly news paper editer. Then we will get to know the value of one week.

If you want to the value of one day, then go and  ask boy or girl who waits for his or her lover. Then you will get to know the value of one minute.

If you want to know the value of one minute, we can get answer from the a person who got accident. They will betterly know the value of that one minute better than us. Because that minute is decide their appearance.

If you want to know the value of one minute, ask a person who miss the train..

If you want to know the the value of one milli second, go and ask the player who won the silver medal in the olympics instead of gold medal.

After looking all these example we can get to know the value of time how it will play a role in different persons life and different profession.

I hope all you somewhat motivated from this . Stay tuned till next blog.

Monday, February 15, 2021

International childhood cancer day found on 15th february

In this blog I am going  to explain you the INTERNATIONAL CHILDHOOD CANCER DAY
which is found on 15th February. I hope you are also interested to read this article.
Before starting the information I wanted to tell you the mission of the year,

"Better Survival" is achievable #throughourhands

   Every year 15th February is considered as the International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) to create awarness to the people about cancer and give support for childrens. 
    According to a study every year more than 4,00,000 chidrens who are less than 20 years are suffering from cancer. But in this number only 80% of the childrens are curing in highly developed country. But only 20% of the childrens are curing in poor and developing country. But WHO is planing to cure atleast 80% of total diseased childrens by 2030.

   But the main intention of ICCD is to provide support for diseased childrens and creat awarness about it.

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Sunday, February 14, 2021

#Different ice cubes

In this blog Iam going to explain What is the difference between the ice pieces which your are seeing below.
I hope your are also very much exited to know about this, Am I right?


The difference between 1st and 2nd ice;
As we seen in the image 1st ice is colurlesss and the second ice is white it is because,
"If we freeze the boiled water, then we can get 1st ice and If we freeze the water without boiling that mean normal  water that wil became like 2nd ice.

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Public Science Day 2021: Wishes, messages, cites, SMS, WhatsApp and Facebook status to impart to companions and family

Public Science Day 2021: This day is noticed each year to stamp the revelation of 'Raman Effect' by conspicuous Indian physicist Sir...