Tuesday, February 16, 2021


In this blog I am going to explain one simple example related to how time is valuable and how it play a role in life. I hope you are also curious to know this .
We all know that time is very much valuable than everything, for this statement I am going to tell you a story,,,,

       Once a student came to meet his  degree  professor and asked "sir I recently completed my 12th and joined batchelor degree,  but I don't know how my 1st year completed. I am surprising that days are simply passing. Being a 20 years old boy I unable to master my own time and what is exacty time sir?" for this quation professor replayed that,

       Yes, what is happening in your life, this thing also happened in my life also. I mean time is not wait for anyone it will simply moves but we need to trap the time. Trap the time mean we need to do valuable things in our life and that will lead to the convertion of time into  valuable time. If you really want to know the meaning of  time I am not a suitable person, ,,,,

After this student asked , Sir who can able to answer ?
Profesor replied that,
If you want to know the value of one year, go and ask a student who failed. He will explain value of one year better than me.

If you want to know the value of one month, go one ask the mother who gave birth to his baby. She will explain the value of one month.

If you want to know the value of one week, then go and ask the weekly news paper editer. Then we will get to know the value of one week.

If you want to the value of one day, then go and  ask boy or girl who waits for his or her lover. Then you will get to know the value of one minute.

If you want to know the value of one minute, we can get answer from the a person who got accident. They will betterly know the value of that one minute better than us. Because that minute is decide their appearance.

If you want to know the value of one minute, ask a person who miss the train..

If you want to know the the value of one milli second, go and ask the player who won the silver medal in the olympics instead of gold medal.

After looking all these example we can get to know the value of time how it will play a role in different persons life and different profession.

I hope all you somewhat motivated from this . Stay tuned till next blog.


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