Saturday, February 27, 2021

DON'T JUDGE ANYONE, it may lead to.......,

Hello friends once again welcome back to new blog. In this blog I am going to tell you you the story which is related to "DON'T GUDGE may lead to.......," I hope this story is going to teach you one lesson for your life. Ok lets get started.

               One day a business man was came to a village to watch the land for his factory construction. But to reach village he need to cross a lake. He came out of the car and started to search boat driver. He found a small boat and boat driver, he called him and asked him to take village. The boat driver agreed and businessman sat one corner of the small boat, boat driver started to drive boat gradually.

     Till this everything is  right, real story starts from here,,

         Boat is moving gradually, after some time business man asked to boat driver that, " Do you know who is sitting in your small boat ? ". Boat man politly replyed that , " I don't know sir ". "Biusiness man surprised and stated to think that how it's possible I am a big bussinessman with crores togther earning, lot of news papers wrote lot of things related to me. But this guy don't know about me ". After thinking this he asked "Your are not reading news paper ". Boat driver replyed that " No, I am unable to read " after listening this bussiness man laughed and said that without knowing reading and writing your life is waste. Is this a life, waste life. The boat man getting lot of same and guilt feeling on him. 

     This is the first insult for boatman.

    Again after some time bussiness man started to tell him regarding about his bussiness which is related to drinking water bottle and asked do you know what is this drinking water bussiness ?. It has lot of profitable in city. Again he politly replyed  sir don't know this bussiness as well as city. The bussiness man once again insulted that " Don't you even know this also? ". he laughed.

     This is second time insult for boatman.

      During this discussion, village is also coming near. At that moment some amount of water is started to come inside small boat. The business man and boatman started to get fear.
The boatman said to bussiness man that "sir, jump and swim and reach shore. But the bussiness man is fully nervous and said that I don't know how to swim. 

     Now the boat man's time come and he said that you don't know swimming. This is a waste of your life. Sir you may have lot of money but is your money helps you to protect your life now, No impossible. Bussiness man realised about his mistake. And begged to boatman that sorry please help me. I realised my mistake.

     I hope some of you got moral from this story. Still I will again tell you the moral .
    We may have lot of money and lot of knowledge. That's not matter, we need to give respect for others instead of looking their profession. They are good at their work, I think it is not fair to compare and insult another person with us.

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