Saturday, February 13, 2021


Artificial moons are also moons but made by the human beings using high level technology.

In this blog I am going to explain one unknown fact which you don't know i.e,
China is going to launch 3 artifitial moons by 2020. Yes, Then if we think  what is the purpus of the this launching then will get the answer is that,
The main purpus of this is that to avoid the street lamps in china and these three moons will shines 8 times brighter than the natural moon. And also we can save some electricity from this methode.

If we look this innovative thing from another direction we can get to know, consider some countries like India, governament is going to spend lot of money to genarate electricity every year. If once we luanch this kind of things once we can get more benifit and it is also very usefull. I am not saying it is done by without spending money but it will also cost money. Till I fount this is one good way as like solar plates. 

this is only my personal ideas, there is no any other purpuse is there and what do you think about it let me know in comment section. Stay tuned till next fact.

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